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About This Event:

It has happened, the event people feared most. You are forced to head for the hills. You grab your bugout bag and head out to survive. You have to avoid the pandemonium, the people trying to take your supplies and equipment, find a safe place, setup some sort of defense.

You are responding to a natural disaster, and have to try and rescue as many people as you can before the floodwater rises, or until the run out of oxygen trapped beneath the rubble. You are one of only a handful of people who are able to actually save lives.

No matter the scenario, there are times when the first 48 hours are the most critical. You will have to force yourself to go longer and further than you may have ever gone before. Sleep will be limited, food will be limited, physical exertion will be high. But you can’t stop. You have to keep pushing.

This event is designed to help you understand exactly how your mind and body will react in these situations. You will have minimal sleep, minimal food, and plenty of tasks that must be completed.

Unlike in the real world, you can ring out (quit) any time you want. But if you keep pushing you will receive a graduation challenge coin and the satisfaction of completing something most people wouldn’t even attempt.

Equipment Required:


Good clothes for extended time outdoors

Good footwear for extended time moving

Canteen / hydration bladder / bottle carriers (some ability to carry water)


Any other survival gear you want to bring, but nothing is required


This is a very grueling event, but you do not have to be able to run miles or lift massive amounts. If you are healthy and have the ability to push yourself you will pass.

If you have a heart condition, diabetes, or any medical condition which you think may put you at risk in a minimal sleep / food situation please contact us prior to registering

You will be required to sign an additional waiver stating you will monitor your own health and inform the instructors of any issues, or will quit prior to pushing yourself to far.


This course will start on Friday at 8pm and conclude on Sunday at 8pm. Participants who have driven an extended distance to attend the course may want to consider taking Monday as a recovery day.



This course is only open to those 18+


This event is being ran by Special Operations veterans and medical personnel



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 (c) 2024 - MALC Training Institute
3260 Market Place Drive, Edinburgh, IN 46124

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